Executive Officer on a horse

Executive Outreach

Executive Engagement Visit Program:

The NAVCO Executive Outreach Department manages the Navy’s Executive Engagement Visit (EEV) program. EEV’s are two day outreach visits performed by Navy Flag Officers and members of the Senior Executive Service scheduled and supported by NAVCO. The visits are comprised of engagements with corporate executives, government officials, education leaders, local media, veterans organizations, and civic groups.

For more information about the Executive Engagement Visit program, please call 901-874-5882 or e-mail Kristine.Garland@navy.mil

American Legion Spirit of Service Award:

Award submissions are due in May of each year. A NAVADMIN will be released in the spring with specific requirements and deadline date.

The American Legion will present its Spirit of Service Award to an enlisted member (E-5 and below) from each branch of the Armed Forces. The award, given since 2000, will be presented by the National Commander on stage at the Legion's national convention.

The main criterion of the award is the level of volunteer community service that a Sailor performs off-duty in the local community.

A sample submission is available here.






Executive Engagement Visit Program
(901) 874-5882